harassment on the internet

last time i was active in the indie web sphere, i was targeted by a malicious kiwifarms user who just wanted to troll and bully. they left hateful comments in my guestbook and impersonated me on other guestbooks without my knowledge.

i took a break from the indie web, naturally, and told some people IRL i know about it because it affected me greatly. i have never been called so many slurs on the internet, even when i was a child on websites like omegle. most people i know were sympathetic, except for one person.

they told me that there was no reason for me to shut down my website like i did, and that i should've just took down my guestbook and moved on. i should've "took it like a man". i was at first, but when the messages became increasingly hateful, increasing in volume, i had to leave.

i'm not a very strong person. it doesn't take a lot to make me upset. developing thick skin is a must on the internet, sure, but someone's skin can only be so thick. there's only so much someone can take before their defenses are breached.

i don't know when i'm coming back to the indie web. soon, maybe. i still need enough time to process the attack and feel more confident in posting again.